Thank you for landing on my blog friend! I know you probably have tons of questions going through your mind so I hope I can give you a better idea if a lifestyle home session or studio session would better suit your needs.
Why would I want a lifestyle newborn session in my home verses a traditional studio?
Comfort. Your family, especially older siblings, can stay in their own environment and feel more relaxed during your session. And…it eliminates the hassle of loading everyone up and hanging out inside a studio for hours at a time. If your toddler needs a snack and playtime….you’re already home. Everything you or your family will need is already right there with zero packing 🙂
Authenticity. Lifestyle sessions capture the true essence of family. A baby sleeping on your chest in your favorite nursing chair, the nursery you’ve spent months preparing, your dog resting his head on your feet as you feed your baby….this to me is newborn life. The art of lifestyle photography is capturing your lifestyle. That doesn’t mean I don’t direct and “pose” the session. I will find the right light, your best most flattering angle, and tell your family where and how to look and connect with each other. My sessions include only a few times you look and smile at the camera, but mostly looking and connecting with each other and your new baby.
What if my home is small? Dark? Messy?
Trust me, I don’t expect any of my families to have their homes featured on HGTV a week after having a baby…that’s not what these sessions are about. It’s capturing your family in their own little heaven and embracing a new baby into the family. If there are bottles on the counter, minor clutter…we can move things as we go. I am looking for windows and great light. I have done entire sessions in one bedroom, or living room, or nursery…all depends on the light. I want to make your family comfortable while capturing the realness of newborn life.
What if my baby is over 2 weeks? Colic? Pre-mature or has special needs?
That’s where lifestyle sessions truly shine. I do not have any expectations of your baby, they are perfect just the way they are. If your baby does not want to be put down or sleep, that’s ok. We can keep them snuggled with you the entire time if need be. I spend a good portion capturing just baby and let your baby completely lead the session. I don’t need a baby to sleep or to mold them into un-natural poses. My goal is to capture those tiny baby details that fade so fast while I show your love and connection with this perfect little human.
Well, I hope this helps. Lifestyle sessions can be a little intimidating (YIKES, SHE’S ACTUALLY COMING TO MY HOUSE) haha, but I hope I might have cleared up some nagging questions or helped you make up your mind.
This amazing couple chose me to capture their first baby and I’m so grateful. Their home was full of items and things completely personal to them and I just love how these sessions show my families real lifestyle and real interests. Instead of taking a baby to a studio and changing them into little outfits and props to show the family’s personal style, these items are already present in their home in a completely organic and natural way. The longhorn skulls on the wall, the colors of their home, the decor in the nursery all tell the story of their life by just being the background while the focus is on the baby. The baby being held and loved by his parents is the central focus and the items throughout their house just add more detail to the story of their family. Just love these wonderful people and so honored they invited me into their home and let me capture their newborn life. Thanks Duncan Family!
Why Lifestyle home session? | Ellensburg Family Photographer
Authentic Lifestyle Newborn Session. Newborn Sessions are photographed at an outdoor location in Ellensburg, WA.
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Hailey Haberman Photography is located in Ellensburg, WA. Hailey Haberman is an Ellensburg lifestyle newborn photographer specializing in artistic lifestyle family photography. As a professional photographer, Hailey captures maternity, newborn, baby, and family portraits in Ellensburg, WA Cle Elum WA and surrounding areas.